Mediclinic Bloemfontein

Mediclinic Bloemfontein is a private hospital located in Bloemfontein, South Africa. It is part of the Mediclinic International group, which operatesa network of private hospitals and healthcare facilities in Southern Africa,Switzerland, and the United Arab Emirates.

Mediclinic Bloemfontein provides a range of medical services and facilities,including emergency care, surgery, specialized medical treatments, andoutpatient services.

Mediclinic Bloemfontein required a way to manage the queue in their reception area. Service Systems provided a tailored solution that matched their requirements and budget, aiding in queue management and enhancing the patient experience at their reception area.

Mediclinic Bloemfontein management now has the power to better plan staff schedules. Patients are now more aware of their queue status, this improved the patients’ satisfaction rates. Staff can keep track of which patients to help first.

Virtual Queue Ticket kiosk

This system enables patients to select from a range of medical services and directs them to designated counters accordingly, ensuring efficient service delivery. A ticket is issued to the patient with a number identifier for ease of reference, this number is also displayed on a screen in the waiting area for convenience. Patients are called audibly and visually, in the order of their queue joining time, by the next available relevant staff member.

Queue Display screens

Patients are called audibly and visually, in the order of their queue joining time, by the next available relevant staff member.

Queue Calling

Mediclinic use softpads for calling patients, providing them with a convenient method to manage the flow of patients and access detailed patient information during the calling process. This implementation enhances efficiency and accuracy in patient management, allowing staff to seamlessly navigate through patient queues and attend to their needs effectively.


Real-Time Notifications

Mediclinic Bloemfontein's management has live alerts for possible extensive waiting times their patients may experience. Allowing for a swift resolution.


Detailed Statistical Reporting

Informative reports show KPI stats at a glance as well as trended information by date, period, and location.

Reports are generated on a daily, weekly, monthly or as frequently as required and sent via email or viewed on our web dashboard. This aggregated information gives management valuable information to strategically maintain exceptional performance levels at all times.

Proudly crafted in South Africa.

Our solutions reflect the innovative spirit and dedication to excellence ingrained in our local expertise. We are committed to delivering world-class queue management solutions that showcase the ingenuity and quality synonymous with South African innovation.

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