Snake Queue System

We feel the pain of queueing. It's an inevitable part of life, but we can help you bring some order! Keep your customers flowing with our nifty snake queue system (linear queue system).

feedback faces icon

Make the experience of waiting better for your customers and staff!

bell icon

Call through more customers when the process is simplified and improved.

stopwatch icon

Speed up wait times with a more efficient calling process -obviously our solution, that is.

screen with infotainment icon

Display specials and infotainment to your waiting customers. Nothing like eyeballs on the screen.

Display - Classy screen interface 😎

Make managing the queue effortless while taking the pressure off staff. Display infotainment, advertising and queue calling in one simple package.

  • You've got them captured, waiting to be told where to go. Great time to advertise, don't you agree?
  • Improve the flow of your customers through the queue.
  • Our screen solution is so much classier than a red number and ghost voice telling customers where to go. #justsaying
infotainment screens

Calling - Pack away the wavy arm! 👋

With our super cool wireless call buttons, your tellers don't need to dance and shout to get your customers attention when they are ready to assist.

  • Tellers can simply call customers and/or supervisors to their hearts desire.
  • The pads are wireless so you can stick them in the best spot.
  • Add some of our nifty indicator lights to really get your customers attention when tellers are a callin'
  • Wish we had more to say, but it's really that simple!
Lego character packing away arms

Assisting - Give supervisors the power

Give supervisors the tools to stay in touch with their team when they need them. Time is money. Staff can call for a supervisor with a quick button press. Gotta keep the queue flowing!

  • At a glance supervisors can see a teller/customer in need and pounce on the situation.
  • Turn your SUPERvisors into SUPERheroes by giving the ability to solve problems quicker.
  • We have different options, giving your supervisors the tools to rock. Get in touch and we'll discuss the options.
Super supervisor showing info on phone
Success story
Builders Warehouse
Success story

Retail-Ready Solutions

Hardware and software tech solutions that amplify a modern approach to operations and customer engagement, ultimately growing your success.

Queue Calling screen2 Digit LED DisplayLinear Queue cube lightlinear queue call pad

Proudly crafted in South Africa.

Our solutions reflect the innovative spirit and dedication to excellence ingrained in our local expertise. We are committed to delivering world-class queue management solutions that showcase the ingenuity and quality synonymous with South African innovation.

Have a question or just feel like a friendly chat?

Our crew of Ninjas are just a jump, dash and flying kick away...

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